Finca Nueva Armenia
Finca Nueva Armenia

Huehuetenango, Guatemala

- Region // Huehuetenango
- Our partner since // 2013
- Varietes // Typica
- Country // Guatemala
- Elevation // 1400-1500m
- Process // Washed
- Coffees // Abuelos
Nestled in the Sierra Madre mountains of north-west Guatemala in the department of Huehuetenango you can find Finca Nueva Armenia. For over five generations, the Recinos family has dedicated its life to grow and produce coffee and we are proud of this new direct relationship through our friend Sebastian Recinos and his project Balam.
During the late 80s and 90s, the fourth generation started switching practices and processing methods in order to achieve higher quality coffees. Starting with how the nurseries would be watered to how the top of the tree was pruned, scaring more than one worker away. The vanguardist techniques have allowed them to maintain the best quality possible over the years. Remaining one of the few and last organic certified farms in Guatemala.
Their hard work shows in the cup. Abuelos is a lot from a beautiful and almost perfectly forgotten patch of jungle. Perfectly conserved Typica trees from their ancestors/grandparents (abuelos in Spanish) showed their vibrant and deep red cherries. All those years of freedom and jungle pureness allowed for the trees to grow incredibly tall and made it hard to harvest for the not as tall pickers. Our new typica is grown at 1450 masl with a humidity percentage allowing for its own distinct microclimate to encapsulate its distinct acidity and fruity flavour.
We are really honoured to be given access to this « family » lot by the grandmother Noemi. This lot is exclusive to Escape in North America and it is one of the best Guatamelan coffees we had the chance to taste. Sweet, deep body and explosive in your cup.

Finca Nueva Armenia’s Escape Coffees